Wednesday, 31 October 2012

On All Hallows Eve...

Top; DIY, Tights; Ebay

I haven't posted anything for about two weeks and I don't really have an excuse. Sorry!
However, unless you live under a rock you will know today is HALLOWEEN!
My personal favourite time of the year. 
I spent the morning making halloween themed cupcakes and watching Jack Harries blow up pumpkins.
And the afternoon was spent helping my brother make a mess with fake blood and trying out make up for my outfit tonight.
I'll try and post proper outfit pictures tomorrow because I'm running late (as per usual) and right now I have a party to go to.
Have fun trick or treating, partying or whatever you're doing!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Sunsets and Silhouettes.

Jacket and Top; New Look, Jeans; F+F.

I've been a bit busy this week and last week.
Last week my brother took me and my sister to a surprise late-birthday present -to see Michael McIntyre, our favourite comedian, and honestly I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my life.
And then on Monday I took the train out to Portsmouth to the beauties that are We Are The In Crowd -who were fab as per usual.
Yesterday I took a trip down to Bournemouth to see Mayday Parade and The Summer Set. 
Neither of those bands manage to fail to put a great show.
Last night was one of the best concerts I've ever been too. 
It was a tiny venue -maybe 400 or 500 people- but I don't think there was a single person not dancing and singing along. There was none of those people that turn up to a gig and just stand there texting. Which is the rudest thing to do in my opinion.
Josh Montgomery (The Summer Set) was just smiling throughout their entire set. 
And I also got the chance to find out about two incredible bands.
If you haven't already, take a couple of minutes to listen to For The Foxes and Natives

Friday, 5 October 2012

Girl Crushing.

This is the girl I'm currently obsessed with.
Yes, it's Cara Delevigne.
You've probably heard of her. She's pretty big in the fashion world right now -and in the One Direction world but I'm not going to talk about that.
Miss Delevigne (De-Le-Veen) has walked for the likes of Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana and Stella McCartney, as well working with photographers such as my personal favourite, Terry Richardson. (see top photo)
The girl's kind of kooky and weird but cool and it somehow works for her.
Plus I love her personal style. Rocking vintage t-shirts, leather jackets, skinny jeans and of course biker boots -basically my standard uniform. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Reasons Why I Love Autumn.

(Photos: weheartit)

Oversized sweaters, cute hats, bonfires & fireworks, carving pumpkins, orange leaves, moccasins, nature walks, hot apple pie, late night movie marathons, dressing up, toasting marshmallows, the smell of the air (especially in the evening), creating a haunted house, bonfire night, roasted pumpkin seeds, trick-or-treating, crunching leaves, sheet ghosts & toffee apples.