Saturday, 22 February 2014

A Day In London.

Hat- F+F, Denim Jacket- Topshop
On Wednesday, Me and my mum took a little trip up to London as neither of us had been up for a day trip in a while.
We did some shopping in Selfridge's, Harrod's, Hamley's and Carnaby Street and just generally explored around a bit.

I had my first ever Pinkberry, which, btw, was delicious! Why don't we have more in this country?
We also found the original Iron Man suit that was worn by Robert Downey Jr whilst in Harrod's.

I also met Anna from Disney's Frozen whilst on Oxford Street.

After our long day out we went to the Royal Albert Hall for a show, and then to the airport to pick my brother up after his trip to Australia

Short but sweet post for you guys since I've been slacking abit on the blog posts lately. 

I apologise. I promise I'll try and get back into the swing of posting regularly. 

Much Love.

Monday, 3 February 2014

First Ever Youtube Video.

I've just posted my FIRST EVER video on youtube. Well not including concert videos that is.
I've been thinking about doing this for a while, and half way through January I decided it might be fun to do a haul of things that I had brought throughout the first month of 2014.

I know the quality kind of sucks and I know I'm bit awkward, but this was a really big thing for me to do and it would be amazing if I could maybe get some advice and feedback as I would quite like to make more videos in the future.

Please let me know what you think and I'll love you FOREVER
Much Love.